Audiometry is a health surveillance screening method used to identify the early signs of potential damage to hearing from exposure to noise in the workplace. The test, called an audiogram, will measure the quietest sound that can be heard across several points of the speech range as well as how well a person can hear different pitches.
Where there is noise at work, there is a legal duty under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 to perform a risk assessment and a hearing test for employees exposed to noise above a certain level to help prevent Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).
As part of our health surveillance programme, our workplace hearing tests can help prevent NIHL and help identify if your control measures are working properly. Hearing tests are also part of medicals for roles where a certain level of hearing must be present in order to preserve safety (e.g. on a construction site).
For employees working in noisy conditions, we recommend that our workplace hearing tests are carried out as they start working for your company. This will allow us to identify any existing problems with hearing and identify any individuals who may be more vulnerable to further damage.
We can also advise on the most appropriate frequency of ongoing audiometry tests depending on the risks of the work performed by your employees.
During an audiometry test, sounds at different pitches and volumes are presented to the individual. The individual will signal when they hear a sound, and the data collected is used to create a detailed audiogram.
We have all our own portable equipment; all we ask is for quiet to complete the hearing test. After the test, we review the audiogram results with the employee, explaining any signs of hearing loss or damage.
If needed, we provide actionable recommendations, such as additional evaluations or workplace adjustments. We also provide noise surveys to identify the source and level of noise in your workplace and a report on necessary actions and appropriate protection levels.
Protecting your employee’s hearing is an investment in their health and your company’s future. Through regular hearing tests, Choose Occupational Health help employers maintain compliance with the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, promote employee safety and identify potential workplace hazards.
Our comprehensive audiometry assessments are performed by our trained professionals using the latest equipment and methods that comply with the most recent standards and guidelines to ensure accurate results.
Contact us today to schedule your workplace hearing test and ensure your workforce’s hearing health is in good hands or vis our Workplace Health Surveillance services for more information.