We are in unprecedented times and, like organisations across the Country and beyond, we are adapting the way we work in response to COVID-19. The vast majority of our staff are now working from home in line with Government guidance.
We are still open for business and our team remains contactable during the days and weeks ahead. Please don’t hesitate to contact Choose Occupational Health as usual on 01228 513687 leaving a voicemail message or email office@chooseoh.co.uk. All emails and telephone messages will be monitored and we aim to respond to these within one working day, however please do allow additional time for a response. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that these changes may cause you.
We have also moved all occupational health assessments to telephone based appointments. If clinically an assessment cannot be completed by telephone we will be in contact with the referring manager to discuss whether or not a holding telephone assessment is helpful or the appointment is delayed until face to face appointments can recommence.
We hope that this is helpful. If there are any queries please contact our team, we will be more than happy to assist!