A skin assessment, or skin health surveillance, is a crucial part of a comprehensive occupational health assessment, involving looking at an individual’s skin to identify early signs of occupational dermatitis. By assessing the skin of employees regularly, employers can detect issues before they develop into severe health conditions, identify risks and implement control measures.
Employees working with substances like oils, adhesives, coolants, degreasers, disinfectants, glues, cement and other irritants are at risk of developing skin problems including irritation, allergic reactions and occupational dermatitis.
Prolonged or repeated exposure to harmful agents can cause long-term damage to the skin, impacting employee health and productivity. Assessing the skin of your employees is an effective way to detect and treat occupational dermatitis before it develops.
If your employees are exposed to hazardous substances that could potentially cause skin problems such as occupational dermatitis, there is a legal duty under the Control of Hazardous Substances Regulations (COSHH) 2005 to perform a skin health surveillance.
As part of a comprehensive health surveillance programme, routine skin checks can detect skin conditions at an early stage, prevent severe health issues like occupational dermatitis, monitor the effectiveness of workplace safety measures and protect employees’ overall health and wellbeing.
A skin surveillance assessment involves a visual inspection of the skin, mainly on the hands or any other skin areas that are exposed whilst at work. A qualified occupational health professional will inspect exposed areas of the skin, looking for signs of irritation, dryness, rashes or other skin problems.
They will also ask several questions about your work environment and tasks and discuss any existing skin conditions with you. Above all, the goal is to understand your specific risk factors and identify potential skin health concerns.
You will also be provided with advice on protective measures, good skin hygiene practices and workplace modifications to minimise risks.
Investing in workplace health assessments, including skin health surveillance, is a proactive step toward reducing risks, preventing occupational dermatitis and ensuring the well-being of your workforce.
At Choose Occupational Health we specialise in providing complete occupational health services, including skin assessments. We can also advise on the most appropriate frequency of ongoing surveillance depending on the risks of the work performed by your employees.
Contact us today to learn more about our skin assessments and Workplace Health Surveillance services, or call us on 01228 513687.